A Home for Winter
24 inches by 30 inches Original Oil Painting on standard size cotton stretched canvas. Price does not includes frame.
If you feel cold and lost, i will lit the house so you can find your way home. The furnace still works well, your fleece throw is still clean and mint. I will prepare a roast and baked potato for dinner, broth some soup and a freshly bake a cinnamon apple pie for dessert. You will wake up with the familiar aroma of coffee in the morning with sunny side up eggs, bacon and waffles. You know you have a home for winter.
24 inches by 30 inches Original Oil Painting on standard size cotton stretched canvas. Price does not includes frame.
If you feel cold and lost, i will lit the house so you can find your way home. The furnace still works well, your fleece throw is still clean and mint. I will prepare a roast and baked potato for dinner, broth some soup and a freshly bake a cinnamon apple pie for dessert. You will wake up with the familiar aroma of coffee in the morning with sunny side up eggs, bacon and waffles. You know you have a home for winter.
24 inches by 30 inches Original Oil Painting on standard size cotton stretched canvas. Price does not includes frame.
If you feel cold and lost, i will lit the house so you can find your way home. The furnace still works well, your fleece throw is still clean and mint. I will prepare a roast and baked potato for dinner, broth some soup and a freshly bake a cinnamon apple pie for dessert. You will wake up with the familiar aroma of coffee in the morning with sunny side up eggs, bacon and waffles. You know you have a home for winter.
Please allow 5 – 15 business days for delivery within the U.S and Canada. International orders may take longer to ship depending on location. Price includes shipping cost within US and Canada. Shipping cost applies to other international countries.