Winter at Larch Valley Sentinel Pass, Banff
24 inches by 36 inches Original Oil Painting on standard size cotton stretched canvas. Price included the frame.
This is a painting I was commissioned to paint by a friend. I put together her experience in hiking the Larch Valley. She was there during the first snow fall. The snow filled the golden ground with snow and the pine needles captured and held the snow flakes.
24 inches by 36 inches Original Oil Painting on standard size cotton stretched canvas. Price included the frame.
This is a painting I was commissioned to paint by a friend. I put together her experience in hiking the Larch Valley. She was there during the first snow fall. The snow filled the golden ground with snow and the pine needles captured and held the snow flakes.
24 inches by 36 inches Original Oil Painting on standard size cotton stretched canvas. Price included the frame.
This is a painting I was commissioned to paint by a friend. I put together her experience in hiking the Larch Valley. She was there during the first snow fall. The snow filled the golden ground with snow and the pine needles captured and held the snow flakes.
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